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中华结直肠疾病电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (06) : 510 -518. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3224.2024.06.010

所属专题: 经典病例


基层医院结直肠肿瘤经自然腔道取标本手术30 例分析
黄海洋1, 邝永龙1,(), 陈嘉胜1   
  1. 1.529200 广东省台山市人民医院胃肠外科
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-26 出版日期:2024-12-25
  • 通信作者: 邝永龙

Analysis of 30 cases of natural orifice specimen extraction surgery for colorectal neoplasm in primary hospital

Haiyang Huang1, Yonglong Kuang1,(), Jiasheng Chen1   

  1. 1.Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery,Taishan People's Hospital, Taishan 529200, China
  • Received:2024-08-26 Published:2024-12-25
  • Corresponding author: Yonglong Kuang

黄海洋, 邝永龙, 陈嘉胜. 基层医院结直肠肿瘤经自然腔道取标本手术30 例分析[J/OL]. 中华结直肠疾病电子杂志, 2024, 13(06): 510-518.

Haiyang Huang, Yonglong Kuang, Jiasheng Chen. Analysis of 30 cases of natural orifice specimen extraction surgery for colorectal neoplasm in primary hospital[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Colorectal Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 13(06): 510-518.




收集并分析2023 年9 月至2024 年8 月台山市人民医院胃肠外科完成的30 例乙状结肠远端肿瘤、直肠肿瘤NOSES 的临床资料。根据肿瘤位置将30 例患者分成3 组。取标本方式采用外翻切除式、拉出切除式和切除拖出式。消化道重建方法采用端端吻合法,包括双荷包吻合、近端单荷包吻合、远端单荷包吻合和手工吻合。观察指标包括手术安全性、肿瘤根治性和肠道功能恢复等指标。


30 例患者均顺利施行NOSES,无预防性造口病例。3 组间取标本方式差异有统计学意义(P=0),端端吻合方法差异无统计学意义(P=0.509),共26 例行双荷包吻合。


以双荷包吻合的NOSES Ⅳ、NOSES ⅡA 法、NOSES ⅠC 法领航、其他术式方法伺机开展的做法经验在基层医院可行且安全。


To explore the feasibility and safety of natural orifice specimen extraction surgery(NOSES) for colorectal neoplasm in primary hospital.


The clinicopathological data of 30 patients undergoing NOSES for sigmoid colon and rectal neoplasm in Taishan People’s Hospital from September 2023 to August 2024 were collected.The 30 patients were divided into three groups according to the tumor location.The specimens were extracted using three methods, namely, eversion resection technique,extraction resection technique, and resection extraction technique.The digestive tract reconstruction method adopted the end-to-end anastomosis, including double purse-string anastomosis, proximal single pursestring anastomosis, distal single purse-string anastomosis, and manual anastomosis.Observation indicators included surgical safety, tumor radicality, and intestinal function recovery.


All 30 patients underwent NOSES successfully, without preventive stoma.There were statistically significant differences in the methods of specimen extraction among the three groups(P=0), but no statistical difference in the endto-end anastomosis methods(P=0.509).A total of 26 cases underwent double purse-string anastomosis.


The experience of using NOSES Ⅳ, NOSES ⅡA and NOSES ⅠC with double purse-string anastomosis as the pilot procedures and carrying out other procedures when necessary is feasible and safe in primary hospitals.

表1 30 例结直肠肿瘤患者的基本资料(例)
图1 会阴区贴膜、冲洗及塑料薄膜保护套的运用
图2 端端吻合示意图。2A:双荷包吻合;2B:近端单荷包吻合;2C:远端单荷包吻合;2D:手工吻合(作者黄海洋绘制)
图3 双荷包端端吻合方法。3A:体内近端肠管荷包缝合;3B:体内远端肠管荷包缝合;3C:经肛近端肠管荷包缝合;3D:经肛远端肠管荷包缝合
图4 30 例结直肠肿瘤患者术后腹壁情况。4A:A 组腹壁情况;4B:B 组腹壁情况;4C:C 组腹壁情况
表2 30 例结直肠肿瘤患者观察指标具体情况(例)
指标 A组(n=12) B组(n=6) C组(n=12)
平均手术时间(min) 164.3±30.4 169.0±14.6 226.3±36.3
术中出血量(mL) 15.6±8.1 15(10,20) 20(20,27.5)
术后首次进流食时间(d) 3.8±2.0 5.2±2.9 7(4.25,7)
中位术后住院时间(d) 10(8,10) 11(10,15) 10(10,11.75)
<12 2(2/12) 2(2/6) 2(2/12)
≥12 10(10/12) 4(4/6) 10(10/12)
中位吻合口距齿状线(cm) - - 2.0(1.3,2.0)
外翻切除 0 0 1(1/12)
拉出切除 2(2/12) 6(6/6) 11(11/12)
切除拖出 10(10/12) 0 0
双荷包 10(10/12) 6(6/6) 10(10/12)
近端单荷包 2(2/12) 0 0
远端单荷包 0 0 1(1/12)
手工吻合 0 0 1(1/12)
T1 2(2/12) 1(1/6) 1(1/12)
T2 0 2(2/6) 3(3/12)
T3 8(8/12) 2(2/6) 8(8/12)
T4 1(1/12) 1(1/6) 0
Ⅰ期 2(2/12) 3(3/6) 1(1/12)
Ⅱ期 3(3/12) 2(2/6) 4(4/12)
Ⅲ期 6(6/12) 1(1/6) 6(6/12)
Ⅳ期 0 0 1(1/12)
管状腺癌 11(11/12) 6(6/6) 12(12/12)
黏液腺癌 0 0 0
腺瘤 0 0 0
其他 1(1/12) 0 0
高分化 0 0 0
中分化 6(6/12) 5(5/6) 6(6/12)
低分化 5(5/12) 1(1/6) 6(6/12)
图5 30 例结直肠肿瘤患者手术时间
图6 30 例结直肠肿瘤患者术后并发症发生率
图7 “单人交叉抵钉座置入法”
图8 双荷包吻合的3 种领航术式方法示意图。8A:NOSES Ⅳ;8B:NOSES ⅡA 法;8C:NOSES ⅠC 法(作者黄海洋绘制)
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