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中华结直肠疾病电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (04) : 294 -302. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3224.2024.04.005


崔精1, 鲍一帆2, 沈晓明3, 杨增辉3, 高森3, 鲍传庆3,()   
  1. 1. 214122 江南大学/无锡医学院精准基因组医学实验室
    2. 214122 无锡,江南大学附属医院内分泌科
    3. 214122 无锡,江南大学附属医院胃肠外科
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-08 出版日期:2024-08-25
  • 通信作者: 鲍传庆

Regulation of tumor cell function and sensitivity to 5-FU by circMFSD12 in colorectal cancer

Jing Cui1, Yifan Bao2, Xiaoming Shen3, Zenghui Yang3, Seng Gao3, Chuanqing Bao3,()   

  1. 1. Laboratory of Genomic and Precision Medicine, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
    2. Department of Endocrinology, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
    3. Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
  • Received:2024-05-08 Published:2024-08-25
  • Corresponding author: Chuanqing Bao

崔精, 鲍一帆, 沈晓明, 杨增辉, 高森, 鲍传庆. 结直肠癌中circMFSD12对肿瘤细胞功能及5-FU敏感性的调控[J]. 中华结直肠疾病电子杂志, 2024, 13(04): 294-302.

Jing Cui, Yifan Bao, Xiaoming Shen, Zenghui Yang, Seng Gao, Chuanqing Bao. Regulation of tumor cell function and sensitivity to 5-FU by circMFSD12 in colorectal cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Colorectal Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 13(04): 294-302.




检索公开数据库中有关结直肠癌组织、正常结肠组织和正常肠组织的人源RNA数据集(GSE172229,GSE166973,GSE147597),并筛选在结直肠癌中表达下调的circRNA,从而通过实时定量PCR(qRT-PCR)分析circMFSD12在结直肠癌细胞株中的表达水平。基于构建过表达circMFSD12的质粒并转染结直肠癌细胞株LoVo和SW620,通过EdU染色、划痕实验和Transwell实验评估其对细胞增殖、迁移和侵袭的影响。同时,通过CCK8实验和流式细胞术实验检测其对5-FU敏感性的影响,从而进一步通过生物信息学分析和miRNA pull down实验研究其潜在的分子机制。


circMFSD12在结直肠癌组织(筛选标准:logFC<-0.5)和细胞(circMFSD12表达量在人正常结肠上皮细胞NCM460为1.00±0.14,在结直肠癌细胞中分别为HCT116:0.72±0.08、LoVo:0.42±0.10、SW480:0.72±0.04和SW620:0.48±0.07)中均表达下调(P<0.05)。体外实验结果显示,过表达circMFSD12显著抑制结直肠癌细胞的增殖(LoVo:52%±5.3% vs. 22%±3.7%,P<0.001;SW620:56%±10% vs. 26%±4.0%,P<0.001)、迁移(LoVo:75%±5.5% vs. 34%±5.7%,P<0.001;SW620:54%±7.5% vs. 22%±5.6%,P<0.001)和侵袭(LoVo:104±18.6 vs. 41.7±10.2,P<0.01;SW620:86.7±16.5 vs. 34.7±4.9,P<0.01),并增强了细胞(LoVo:Control:2.5±0.7 vs. 7.4±1.0,P<0.01,5-FU:11.8±1.9 vs.28.6±1.9,P<0.001;SW620:Control:2.2±0.4 vs. 8.1±1.3,P<0.01,5-FU:10.2±1.4 vs. 23.4±2.3,P<0.001)对5-FU的敏感性。生物信息学分析及实验验证表明,通过调节靶向miR-887-3p和PPP1R12B表达,circMFSD12对结直肠癌细胞的生物行为有抑制作用。




This study investigates the feasibility of circMFSD12 as a potential therapeutic target by analyzing its expression in colorectal cancer and its impact on tumor cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), aiming to provide new insights for the treatment of colorectal cancer.


Human RNA datasets (GSE172229, GSE166973, GSE147597) from colorectal cancer tissues, normal colonic tissues, and normal intestinal tissues were retrieved from public databases to screen for downregulated circRNAs in colorectal cancer. The expression level of circMFSD12 in colorectal cancer cell lines was analyzed using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Overexpression plasmids of circMFSD12 were constructed and transfected into colorectal cancer cell lines LoVo and SW620 to evaluate their effects on cell proliferation, migration, and invasion through EdU staining, wound healing assays, and Transwell assays. Additionally, the effects on 5-FU sensitivity were assessed using CCK8 assays and flow cytometry experiments, and the potential molecular mechanisms were further investigated through bioinformatics analysis and miRNA pull-down experiments.


Data analysis indicated that circMFSD12 is downregulated in colorectal cancer tissues (selection criteria: logFC<-0.5) and cells (expression in normal colonic epithelial cells NCM460: 1.00±0.14, and in colorectal cancer cells: HCT116: 0.72±0.08, LoVo: 0.42±0.10, SW480: 0.72±0.04, SW620: 0.48±0.07) (P<0.05). In vitro experiments showed that overexpression of circMFSD12 significantly inhibited colorectal cancer cell proliferation (LoVo: 52%±5.3% vs. 22%±3.7%, P<0.001; SW620: 56%±10% vs. 26%±4.0%, P<0.001), migration (LoVo: 75%±5.5% vs. 34%±5.7%, P<0.001; SW620: 54%±7.5% vs.22%±5.6%, P<0.001), and invasion (LoVo: 104±18.6 vs. 41.7±10.2, P<0.01; SW620: 86.7±16.5 vs. 34.7±4.9, P<0.01), and enhanced cellular sensitivity to 5-FU (LoVo: Control: 2.5±0.7 vs.7.4±1.0, P<0.01, 5-FU: 11.8±1.9 vs. 28.6±1.9, P<0.001; SW620: Control: 2.2±0.4 vs. 8.1±1.3, P<0.01, 5-FU: 10.2±1.4 vs. 23.4±2.3, P<0.001). Bioinformatics analysis and experimental validation suggest that circMFSD12 suppresses colorectal cancer cell behaviors by regulating the expression of miR-887-3p and PPP1R12B.


circMFSD12 regulates miR-887-3p/PPP1R12B, significantly affecting the biological behavior of colorectal cancer cells, indicating that it has good prospects as a novel molecular biomarker and potential therapeutic target.

图1 circMFSD12在结直肠癌细胞中的表达和特性分析。1A:circMFSD12在三个数据集中均显示下调;1B:circMFSD12由MFSD12基因的外显子2反向剪切形成;1C:结直肠癌细胞中HCT116,LoVo,SW480和SW620中circMFSD12呈低表达;1D:发散引物和聚合引物均在cDNA模板中扩增出circMFSD12。在gDNA模板中只有发散引物扩增出了circMFSD12;1E~1F:使用RNase R处理LoVo和SW620细胞后,线性MFSD12的表达显著减少。1G~1H:circMFSD12主要定位于细胞质;1I:转染circMFSD12过表达质粒,circMFSD12表达量显著升高
图2 过表达circMFSD12抑制结直肠癌细胞的增殖、迁移和侵袭。2A:EdU染色结果;2B:划痕实验;2C:Transwell实验
图3 过表达circMFSD12能增强结直肠癌细胞对5-FU的敏感性。3A~3B:CCK8实验;3C~3D:流式细胞术
图4 circMFSD12 靶向miR-887-3p调控PPP1R12B的表达。4A:circMFSD12与miR-887-3p具有靶向结合位点;4B:miR-887-3p pull down实验;4C:circMFSD12与miR-887-3p的预测结合位点;4D~4G:通过在线数据库starBase和Targetscan预测miR-887-3p的潜在靶基因,与GEPIA数据库中COAD和READ中下调TOP200基因的交集,得出候选基因CPXM2、NPTX1和PPP1R12B;4H~4I:miR-887-3p pull down实验;4J:miR-887-3p与PPP1R12B 3' UTR的预测结合位点;4K:结直肠癌细胞中miR-887-3p表达;4L:PPP1R12B蛋白表达降低;4M:过表达circMFSD12可上调PPP1R12B的表达,而同时过表达miR-887-3p后可减弱这种作用
图5 结直肠癌肿瘤组织与癌旁非肿瘤组织中circMFSD12、miR-887-3p和PPP1R12B的表达及相关性分析。5A:circMFSD12 mRNA的相对表达水平;5B:miR-887-3p的相对表达水平;5C:PPP1R12B mRNA的相对表达水平;5D~5F:Pearson相关性分析结直肠癌肿瘤组织中circMFSD12、miR-887-3p和PPP1R12B mRNA表达的相关性;5G:Western blot分析PPP1R12B蛋白的表达
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