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中华结直肠疾病电子杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 09 ›› Issue (02) : 188 -195. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3224.2020.02.014

所属专题: 文献


高倩闽1, 陈昕涛1, 姚厚山2, 胡志前2,()   
  1. 1. 200433 第二军医大学基础医学院学员11队
    2. 200003 上海长征医院普外一科
  • 收稿日期:2019-07-17 出版日期:2020-04-25
  • 通信作者: 胡志前

Research progress in neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for advanced rectal cancer

Qianmin Gao1, Xintao Chen1, Houshan Yao2, Zhiqian Hu2,()   

  1. 1. Team 11, Basic Medical College of the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China
    2. Department of General Surgery, Changzheng Hospital, Shanghai 200003, China
  • Received:2019-07-17 Published:2020-04-25
  • Corresponding author: Zhiqian Hu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Hu Zhiqian, Email:

高倩闽, 陈昕涛, 姚厚山, 胡志前. 进展期直肠癌新辅助放化疗研究进展[J/OL]. 中华结直肠疾病电子杂志, 2020, 09(02): 188-195.

Qianmin Gao, Xintao Chen, Houshan Yao, Zhiqian Hu. Research progress in neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for advanced rectal cancer[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Colorectal Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2020, 09(02): 188-195.


The incidence and death rate of colorectal cancer are very high in China. The incidence and local recurrence rate of rectal cancer are usually higher than that of colon cancer. And the operation is difficult. At present, to prevent the local recurrence of rectal cancer, multidisciplinary treatment is widely used. Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (nCRT), as a developing multidisciplinary method, can not only guarantee the curative effect but also maintain the organ function, and plays a crucial role in the treatment of rectal cancer. The purpose of this review is to clarify the current situation and future improvement direction of nCRT.

表1 "类三明治"新辅助治疗模式临床研究汇总
表2 新辅助治疗中添加奥沙利铂的临床试验
实验名称 实验年份 患者数量 试验方案 实验终点 中位随访时间(年) OS(%) DFS(%)
STAR-0130 2011 379 5-FU OS,PCR - - -
368 5-FU+OX ? ? - -
ACCORD 1231,32 2012 299 Cape pCR >5 70.8 66.1
299 Cape+OX ? ? 72.9(HR 0.90,P=0.5) 63.1( HR 0.86,P=0.3)
CAO/ARO/AIO-0433 2012,2015 623 5-FU DFS >3 88.0 71.2
613 5-FU+OX ? ? 88.7(HR 0.96,CI 0.72~1.26) 75.3(HR 0.79,CI 0.64~0.98)
NSABP R-0434 2014,2015 949 5-FU/Cape 手术失败行保肛手术 >3 79.0 64.2
659 5-FU/Cape+OX ? ? 81.3(HR 0.89,P=0.38) 69.2(HR 0.91,P=0.34)
PETACC-635 2014,2018 623 Cape DFS >3 83.1 71.3
613 Cape+OX ? ? 80.1(HR 1.17,P=0.25) 70.5(HR 1.02,P=0.84)
JIAO 201536 2015 103 Cape DFS,OS >3 86.4 70
103 Cape+OX ? ? 90.3(P=0.5155) 80.6(P=0.076)
FOWARC37 2016,2018 155→130 5-FU DFS >3 76.4±3.8 93.7±2.2
158→142 5-FU+OX ? ? 77.8±3.5 92.0±2.3
实验名称 LRR(%) 转移率(%) pCR率(%) 3~4级毒性率(%) 保肛手术率(%) 奥沙利铂组术前化放疗依从性(%)
STAR-0130 6.0 2.9(腹腔) 16.4 8.0(P<0.001) 80.6 -
1.3 0.5 16.8(P=0.904) 25.4 81.7 66.0
ACCORD 1231,32 8.8 4.2(腹腔) 13.9(P<0.001) 10.9(P<0.001) - -
7.8(HR=0.92,P=0.7) 2.8 19.2 25.4 - 41.0
CAO/ARO/AIO-0433 4.6 6.0 13.0 13.0 88.0 -
2.9 4.0(全部) 17.0(P =0.04) 17.0(P=0.04) 88.0 85.0
NSABP R-0434 12.1 - 17.8 6.6 62.0 -
11.2(P=0.7) - 19.5(P=0.42) 15.4(P<0.0001) 62( P =0.28) -
PETACC-635 - - 11.3 15.2 70.0 -
- - 13.3 36.7 65.1( P =0.09) -
JIAO 201536 5.8 28.2 23.3 6.8 77.7 -
4.9( P =0.7) 16.5(P=0.045) 19.4(P=0.479) 16.5(P=0.03) 84.5 81.6
FOWARC37 10.0 - 14.0 10.7 84.4 -
8.5 - 27.5(P=0.05) 21.3(P=0.037) 87.2 94.9
表3 直肠癌新辅助治疗中在奥沙利铂的基础上添加西妥昔单抗的临床试验
表4 直肠癌新辅助治疗中在奥沙利铂的基础上添加贝伐单抗的临床试验
表5 直肠癌新辅助治疗中在奥沙利铂的基础上添加伊立替康的临床试验
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