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中华结直肠疾病电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (03) : 217 -228. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3224.2024.03.007


陈健1, 周静洁1, 夏开建2, 王甘红3, 刘罗杰1, 徐晓丹1,()   
  1. 1. 215500 苏州,常熟市第一人民医院(苏州大学附属常熟医院)消化内科
    2. 215500 苏州,常熟市医学人工智能与大数据重点实验室
    3. 215500 苏州,常熟市中医院消化内科
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-22 出版日期:2024-06-25
  • 通信作者: 徐晓丹
  • 基金资助:
    苏州市科技发展计划项目(SLT2023006); 常熟市医学人工智能与大数据重点实验室能力提升项目(CYZ202301); 常熟市医药卫生科技计划项目(CSWS202316)

Implementing real-time detection and automatic NICE classification of colorectal polyps using convolutional neural networks

Jian Chen1, Jingjie Zhou1, Kaijian Xia2, Ganhong Wang3, Luojie Liu1, Xiaodan Xu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Gastroenterology, Changshu First People's Hospital (Changshu Hospital Affiliated to Soochow University), Suzhou 215500, China
    2. Changshu Key Laboratory of Medical Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Suzhou 215500, China
    3. Department of Gastroenterology, Changshu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Suzhou 215500, China
  • Received:2023-11-22 Published:2024-06-25
  • Corresponding author: Xiaodan Xu

陈健, 周静洁, 夏开建, 王甘红, 刘罗杰, 徐晓丹. 基于卷积神经网络实现结直肠息肉的实时检测与自动NICE分型(附视频)[J]. 中华结直肠疾病电子杂志, 2024, 13(03): 217-228.

Jian Chen, Jingjie Zhou, Kaijian Xia, Ganhong Wang, Luojie Liu, Xiaodan Xu. Implementing real-time detection and automatic NICE classification of colorectal polyps using convolutional neural networks[J]. Chinese Journal of Colorectal Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2024, 13(03): 217-228.




收集2018年1月至2023年6月来自苏州大学附属常熟医院、常熟市中医院和常熟市辛庄人民医院的4个结肠息肉数据集,包括静态图像和视频。所有样本经病理学证实并按NICE分型分类。图像使用LabelMe工具进行标注,随后转换成MSCOCO格式以适配深度学习模型训练。采用预训练的Faster R-CNN模型,结合实时数据增强和多种图像处理技术,通过迁移学习策略进行模型训练。模型的性能评估遵循COCO标准,关注交并比(IoU)、平均精度(AP)和召回率。此外,对模型在NICE分型中的识别能力进行了详细评估。


分析1 835例患者的2 248个结直肠息肉,所有息肉经病理学证实,并按NICE分型分类,具体为NICE 1型575例,NICE 2型1 143例,和NICE 3型530例。通过迁移学习技术,开发了基于ResNet-50和ResNet-101骨干网络的Faster R-CNN模型,其中以ResNet-101为基础的版本被命名为Faster R-CNN-NICE。性能分析显示,虽然Faster R-CNN-NICE模型在处理速度上略有下降(减少1.72帧/秒),但在边界框平均精度(bbox_mAP达0.542)和息肉分类综合平均精度(mAP为0.830)上显著提升。与内镜医生相比,此模型在大部分情况下展示了更高的置信度和准确性,特别是在NICE 2型息肉的预测中,其性能与医生的预测结果的差异存在统计学意义(χ2=4.30,P<0.05)。模型转换为ONNX格式后,在不同硬件环境下显示了优化的执行效率,并在视频实时检测中有效地实现了息肉的快速定位和精确分类。


本研究根据NICE分型系统构建了一个结肠息肉图像数据集,并开发出Faster R-CNN-NICE深度学习模型,有效地实现了结肠息肉的即时定位与精确鉴别。这项技术预期将为内镜医生的临床工作提供支持,显著提升诊断的效率和准确度。


This study aims to develop a deep learning object detection model capable of autonomously locating polyps and classifying them according to the NICE classification, thereby facilitating more effective diagnostic and treatment planning.


This study utilized four colorectal polyp datasets collected from Changshu Hospital Affiliated to Soochow University, Changshu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Changshu Xinzhuang People's Hospital from January 2018 to June 2023, comprising both static images and videos. All samples were pathologically confirmed and classified according to the NICE typology. The images were annotated using the LabelMe tool and subsequently converted to MSCOCO format to suit deep learning model training. We employed a pre-trained Faster R-CNN model, combined with real-time data augmentation and various image processing techniques, and trained the model using a transfer learning strategy. Model performance was evaluated following the COCO standards, focusing on Intersection over Union (IoU), Average Precision (AP), and recall rate. Additionally, the model's capability in NICE classification recognition was thoroughly assessed.


We analyzed 2 248 colorectal polyps from 1 835 patients, all pathologically confirmed and classified as 575 NICE type 1, 1 143 NICE type 2, and 530 NICE type 3. Using transfer learning techniques, Faster R-CNN models based on ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 backbone networks were developed, with the ResNet-101-based version named Faster R-CNN-NICE. Performance analysis showed that although the Faster R-CNN-NICE model experienced a slight decrease in processing speed (reduction by 1.72 frames per second), it significantly improved in bounding box average precision (bbox_mAP reaching 0.542) and comprehensive average precision for polyp classification (mAP at 0.830). Compared to endoscopists, this model demonstrated higher confidence and accuracy in most cases, particularly in predicting NICE type 2 polyps, where its performance significantly differed from that of the doctors (χ2=4.30, P<0.05). After conversion to the ONNX format, the model exhibited optimized execution efficiency in various hardware environments and effectively achieved rapid localization and accurate classification of polyps in real-time video detection.


This research constructed a colon polyp image dataset based on the NICE classification system and developed a Faster R-CNN-NICE deep learning model, which effectively achieves immediate localization and precise identification of colon polyps. This technology is expected to support the clinical work of endoscopists, significantly enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of diagnoses.

图1 数据集中息肉图像示例。1A~5A:NICE 1型息肉;1B~5B:NICE 2型息肉;1C~5C:NICE 3型息肉
图2 数据集图像特征分析。2A:数据集图像尺寸分布;2B:各类别图像的分布情况
表1 结肠直肠病变的特征[例(%)]
图3 基于ResNet-50(3A、3B)和ResNet-101(3C、3D)骨干网络的Faster R-CNN模型在训练过程中的性能指标。3A和3C部分展示了损失函数的变化;3B和3D部分展示了准确率的变化
图4 基于ResNet-50和ResNet-101骨干网络的Faster R-CNN在不同指标上的整体性能
表2 不同骨干网络的Faster R-CNN模型在测试集上的分类评估性能
图5 人工智能模型与内镜医师诊断性能对比。左图:Faster R-CNN-NICE模型的预测。右图:内镜医师的预测。5A:NICE 1型息肉;5B:NICE 2型息肉;5C:NICE 3型息肉
图6 人工智能模型与不同资历内镜医师在外部测试集的诊断性能对比。注:准确率(Accuracy),精确度(Precision),召回率(Recall),F1分数(F1-score)
图7 使用Faster R-CNN-NICE模型预测新图像的结果。7A、7B:标注为NICE 1型的息肉;7C、7D:标注为NICE 2型的息肉;7E、7F:标注为NICE 3型的息肉
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