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中华结直肠疾病电子杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 09 ›› Issue (04) : 325 -334. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-3224.2020.04.001

所属专题: 文献 指南共识


  1. 1. 100021 北京,国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤临床医学研究中心/中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院麻醉科
    2. 100021 北京,国家癌症中心/国家肿瘤临床医学研究中心/中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院结直肠外科
  • 收稿日期:2020-07-20 出版日期:2020-08-25
  • 基金资助:
    中国医学科学院肿瘤医院学科带头人奖励基金(No.RC2016005); 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院管理研究课题(No.LC2018D01); 深圳市"医疗卫生三名工程"项目资助(No.SZSM201812069)

Expert consensus on perioperative management of elderly patients with colorectal cancer in China (2020 Edition)

The Chinese Society of Colorectal Cancer   

  1. 1. Department of Anesthesiology, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100021, China
    2. Department of Colorectal Surgery, National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100021, China

中国医师协会结直肠肿瘤专业委员会. 中国老年结直肠肿瘤患者围手术期管理专家共识(2020版)[J]. 中华结直肠疾病电子杂志, 2020, 09(04): 325-334.

The Chinese Society of Colorectal Cancer. Expert consensus on perioperative management of elderly patients with colorectal cancer in China (2020 Edition)[J]. Chinese Journal of Colorectal Diseases(Electronic Edition), 2020, 09(04): 325-334.


Colorectal cancer is a malignancy with high incidence, and its incidence increases with age. Each year 50% of new colorectal cancer patients are over 70 years old worldwide, and 25% of new colorectal cancer patients are over 80 years old. Preoperatively, elderly patients are more likely to have complications and thus have a higher perioperative risk. In addition, elderly patients are often accompanied with more advanced local tumor lesions, which frequently caused intestinal obstruction or lesion metastasis at the time of consultation, resulting in more difficult surgeries. It has been established that advanced age is an independent risk factor for increased perioperative mortality and mobility. Therefore, in order to cope better with the challenges of perioperative management of elderly colorectal cancer patients, this expert consensus on perioperative management of elderly patients with colorectal cancer is developed by the experts of the Perioperative Medicine Special Committee of the Chinese Society of Colorectal Cancer. And this expert consensus included preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative stages of perioperative periods. And comprehensive preoperative evaluations in elderly colorectal cancer patients, rehabilitation measures, lung protective ventilation strategy, goal-directed fluid therapy, regional analgesia management and prevention and treatment of postoperative cognitive dysfunction are all discussed in this expert consensus. Therefore, this expert consensus further improves the perioperative management level of elderly colorectal cancer patients, speeds up postoperative rehabilitation and improves the prognosis of elderly colorectal cancer patients.

表1 改良老年综合评估(modified CGA)
序号 评估领域 评估内容
1 基本人口特征 年龄、性别、种族、教育程度、生活安排等
2 术前合并症 采用美国老年资源与服务(OARS)合并症评分量表评估32种合并症,根据疾病对日常活动影响程度(不影响、轻微影响和明显影响)评分为0~96分
3 日常活动(ADL)评分 采用欧洲癌症研究与治疗组织生活质量调查问卷(EORTC QLQ-30),通过5个问题了解在吃饭、穿衣、洗澡、如厕、运动和行走方面的限制,评分为0~100分
4 功能状态 采用OARS工具性日常活动(IADL)评分和运动评估量表两种评估工具,评估独立生活能力和获取帮助的能力(不需要帮助、需要帮助、完全做不了),评分为0~21分;运动评估量表通过3个问题将患者分为四类:经常剧烈运动、经常长时间行走、经常短时时间行走,偶尔运动
5 疼痛评估 评估患者在一周之内的疼痛情况,0~10分,0分为无痛,10分为最强烈剧痛
6 经济情况 采用OARS评分法,从严重财务困难到无财务困难,评分为3~9分
7 社会支持 采用医疗结局研究(MOS)量表,通过20个项目评估患者在4个分量表中(情感支持、有形的支持、深切支持、积极互动)获得社会支持的情况,每个项目分为5级(从没有至随时有),总评分为0~100分
8 情感状态 采用医院焦虑和抑郁评分量表,共14个评估项目,焦虑和抑郁分量表各有7个评估项目,每个项目分为4级(大部分时间、经常、偶尔、从不),总评分11分以上代表焦虑或抑郁
9 精神福祉 采用信仰量系统来评估精神信仰与实践以及从共享信仰团体得到社会支持的情况,通过15个评估项目、4级评分法,从无信仰到高级精神福祉,评分为0~45分
10 生活质量 采用EORTC QLQ-30评分,分量表包括疲劳、不适、一般身体症状、身体机能、社会机能、精神困扰。从质量差到质量高总分为0~100分
表2 ASA分级标准
表3 Goldman术前心脏危险因素评分
表4 NYHA心功能分级
表5 安装心脏起搏器的指征
表6 肺部并发症风险增加的危险因素
表7 老年结直肠肿瘤患者麻醉前用药指南
表8 NRS 2002初筛表
表9 NRS 2002终筛表
表10 术前VTE不同风险患者的处理
表11 老年结直肠肿瘤患者术后镇痛监测与记录项目
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